Sherwood Park

Pro Peel

Pro Peel DMK - Advanced Paramedical Skin Revision and Skincare Products

Pro Peel

A progressive 6-8 week peel with no down time, it helps reenergise sluggish skin and improve skin tone and texture.

Pro peel is a progressive resurfacing skin revision process, for people who don’t want the down time or have darker skin prone to hyper-pigmenting.

Combined with DMK’s signature Enzyme Therapy masque Pro Peel assists to reenergise sluggish, tired skin, while improving the function of the new skin.

It gradually works to resurface the skin by removing old damaged cells and uneven, sun-damaged skin over a 6-8 week period. Good for hyper-pigmentation, thickened, uneven textured skin, congestion and open pores, or just for a nice freshen up.