Sherwood Park

Creme Citrique

Creme Citrique DMK - Advanced Paramedical Skin Revision and Skincare Products
Creme Citrique DMK - Advanced Paramedical Skin Revision and Skincare Products Creme Citrique DMK - Advanced Paramedical Skin Revision and Skincare Products

Creme Citrique

A hydrating nourishing creme, recommended for oily skin and uneven skin tone.

* All DMK products can only be prescribed by a DMK Skin Revision Technician

Oily skin, still needs proper hydration, Crème Citrique helps to keep the skin hydrated, without trapping excess oil onto the skin. Vitamin C found in this nourishing creme, also helps to improve the appearance of uneven skin. Men with naturally oily skin and people with darker skin tones respond readily to Crème Citrique.

AAvailable in 15ml and 50ml

  • Kojic Acid
  • Ethyl Ascorbic Acid
  • Safflower Oil (Carthamus Tinctorius)